Dunstan Betabeet provides a rich balance of energy sources for horses and ponies.
Dunstan Betabeet is high in digestible fibre, which under bacterial digestion in the horses hind gut slowly releases energy, providing a good energy source, whilst keeping the digestive tract in a healthy condition. It can be used as a partial forage replacer.
The combination of sugars and digestible fibre provides a slower release of energy than from cereal sources, ensuring a more constant energy supply to meet the horses requirement without the ‘heating’ effect sometimes associated with grain feeding.
Useful for horses and ponies prone to tying up or laminitis.
Dunstan Betabeet is high in calcium, making it an ideal complement to oats and bran, helping to balance the diet.
Dunstan Betabeet is very palatable, horses enjoy this highly digestible ‘superfibre’.
Dunstan Beta Beet 20kg
Easy to use. The only preparation required is the soaking of Dunstan Betabeet in 5 parts water to 1 part Betabeet Flakes (200 gms of dry Betabeet requires 1 Litres of water to soak)
Dunstan Betabeet fully soaked in 10mins. Warm water ensures faster soaking.
This makes a moist feed which is valuable for horses and ponies, particularly those with respiratory problems or dust allergies.