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NRM Pullet Grower is a complete feed formulated to provide a balanced source of nutrients for young pullets.

NRM Pullet Grower can also be fed to mature birds not in lay to provide a balanced source of nutrients without the risk of excessive weight gain. Plant extracts and organic acids are included to support gut health and bird well being.

Layer pullets: Feed ad lib from 6 to 8 weeks of age until point of lay.

Mature birds not in lay: Feed ad lib.

Always ensure birds have access to clean, fresh water.

NRM Pullet Grower 10kg - 20kg

  • Grain and grain by-products, plant proteins, vegetable oils, animal fats, enzymes, amino acids, limestone, mono or di-calcium phosphate, salt, sodium bicarbonate, vitamins and trace minerals, organic acids and plant extracts.


    Please ensure product is stored in a cool, dry and vermin free environment.

    Caution: Do not feed to any animal species other than those stipulated on the label.

    Typical analysis (approximate on an as fed basis)

    Crude Protein 16.5%
    Available Lysine 7.2g/kg
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